FBI / CNCC Fingerprinting
Fingerprinting Security Canada Inc. is an RCMP accredited fingerprinting company, specializing in live scan and card scan fingerprinting services for non-criminal purposes.
Fingerprints are taken with the Live-Scan machine and printed with a certified printer on FD-1164 / C216C fingerprint cards by standard white paper stock.
Your card will include rolled impressions of all 10 fingerprints and impressions of all 10 fingerprints taken at the same time
Please check the website FBI: Identity History Summary Checks to get the process to submit your application.
For HK CNCC fingerprint, please check website Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)
Need two pieces of valid identification (one of them must be a photo ID). The fingerprinting procedure typically takes 20-30 minutes, and we will provide you with a standard fingerprint card to send to the FBI / HK Police Force.